协会公告 Association Bulletin
协会公告Association Bulletin
Challengers needed for Phoenix Valley andMushroom Mountain Outdoor Sports Challenge
作者:admin 时间:2017-03-17 点击:4226[ ]


                                                                             Challengers needed for Phoenix Valley and

Mushroom Mountain Outdoor Sports Challenge

Since Chinese Premier Li Keqiang written ‘the national fitness project’ in the government work report of 13th 5-year plan, Chinese governments in different levels are putting more and more money into sports events. In the past four years Chinese undertakings of physical culture and sports developed a lot ,especially for outdoor sports.

Among these , Phoenix Valley and Mushroom Mountain Outdoor Sports Challenge is a successful one. Though it is a young match ,only held by once.

Holding in two charming scenic spots in Shizong county Yunnan province, people who take part in the challenge also attracted by the beautiful scenery .

I  Date , Place and Project Setting

Registration deadline:

Gathering time:1pm to 8pm of 14th April 2017

Gathering place:??

Race Date:15th April 2017

Race Place:Phoenix Valley and Mushroom Mountain scenic spots in in Shizong county Qujing city Yunnan province

Project Setting: Mountain outdoor sports team competitions including running, canoeing, mountain climbing, mountain bike riding and running alternately

II  Rules and scales of the competitions

Rules : Take part in as a team grouped by three people including one woman at least and adopt continuous format .Together you must finish all the projects in a limited time . The member sequence will be arranged by yourselves.

Who can enroll :Professional athletes , Outdoor sports lovers from all over the world .

Scales: 210 persons and 70 teams will be the upper limit .

Requirements: every member should submit a medical report including  an electrocardiogram in 6 months .If you have Certificate of Marathon in 1 year(half marathon should finished in 2.5 hours) , then medical report is not required .People who are forbidden by Chinese mountaineering association or our committee also prohibit to join this event.

The committee keeps the right of doping test to all the players.

III  Route of team competitions

Cross-country running in the downstream floating wharf of Phoenix Valley(The starting point, altitude 980m,about 4km),--canoeing in the wharf of Phoenix Valley(about 1km)--Cross-country running across the Karst cave--climbing to the tourist center of Phoenix Valley (length 4km,altitude 1287m)--mountain bike riding and running alternately(about 16km)--tourist center of Mushroom Mountain(altitude 2126m,the end point)

IV  Determine the results

The time will be counted when the last member cross the end line,and less time you use better result you will get.

V  Rewards setting

Top eight will be given bonus, certificate and medals. All the people who finish the whole challenge will get a medal too.

The 1st team:10000 yuan;the 2nd team:8000yuan ;the 3rd  team :6000 yuan;the 4th team :6000 yuan;the 5th team :6000 yuan;the 6th team :6000 yuan;the 7th team :6000 yuan;the 8th team :6000 yuan.

Special souvenirs like T-Shirt,medals will be awarded to people who attend the challenge and the work staff .

VI  Application

The application fee is 150 yuan per team, including the fee of the bus, match package and insurance.

You can apply to attend through the internet, telephone or make an off line application .

Contact number:0871-63165661  13064278231(EN)   Email1303323288@qq.com

Yunnan Outdoor Sports and Mountaineering Association

16th March 2017




Registration Form

The 2nd Phoenix Valley and Mushroom Mountain Outdoor Sports Challenge

   Registration Date   D    M    Y                                                                      Number     of 2017

Team Name


Name of Organization

Phone Number

Team Member




Blood Type

T-SHIRT     Size

Phone Number

ID(Passport) Number

Emergency Contact People

Emergency Contact Number

Team Member1

Team Member2

Team Member3

Requirement Statements


o Self-driving  o By Bus

(Bus will supplied by committee from Shizong to Wulong)


oBYO      oRent


1、Before you decide to attend this match,you should to reed The Registration information and basic rules.

2、Autograph is a must,make sure all the information are correct and adhere electrocardiogram or certificate of marathon.

3、T-Shirt Size:Team Member1         ; Team Member2         ;Team Member3         

4、Signature on this form will be regarded as you accept the liability convention and agree to obey the organizational rules.

5、Contact Number0871-63165661  13064278231  15025158806    Email1303323288@qq.com



 Organizational unit signature                                  Personal Signature

                                                                      1                 2                 3                             


                                                                 Date       D       M       Y

Attachment 1Electrocardiogram in 6 months,Certificate of Marathon in 1 year,half marathon finished in 2.5 hours)




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